jag? tjatig?
Näää.. som småbarnsförälder och lärare behöver man väl ALDRIG tjata? eller?
Having a 3yr old and being a teacher I never have to nag.. or? ;)

Ytterligare en av layouterna som gjordes på Papirfesten i Norge i september.. =) Det är bara jag som är dålig på att blogga.. ;)
Men efter en fruktansvärt kreativ helg så har jag ju en hel hög med layouter som borde få komma upp här och göra livet lite färgglatt..
För att citera Anna..
Mahlin, du pysslar godispåsar!
For the love of dance
Pink Paislee is having a blog hop week together with Epiphany Crafts and today was my turn.

This is my debut on Pink Paislees blog and I made a layout about love (For dance.. ) making some cute embellies wiht the Epiphany Crafts tools..

To read more about how I made the background please visit Pink Paislees blog.
I used my Epiphany craft tool to make some cute accessories on my layout. First, I used I this tool to make a cut out from the pink patterned paper to enhance the pattern.
I thought the paper rosettes needed some standing out so I took some gorgeous Pink Paislee pink paper, made a bubble cap and added it on top of the pattern to make it match.

I also wanted some circles to my design..adding both chipboard pops from Pink Paislee and matching it up with 14 bubble caps from Epiphany crafts. I then covered these in white mist.

Because I use smaller photos, I wanted to emphasize it by using a bubble cap on the same photo but in color and picking out the details of the feet.

Don´t forget to hop on over to the Pink Paislee blog and leave a comment for a chance to win!