Vanish fläcktest
Jag har som medlem i
Buzzador fått möjlighet att prova Vanish. Jag fick i uppdrag att utföra ett fläcktest på en vit trasa. Nåväl, som småbarnsförälder hör fläckar till vardagen men de tuffaste fläckarna jag stöter på är det jag själv som är skuld till. Nämligen min röda hårfärg. När jag dansar och svettas så rinner mitt rödfärgade svett ner och fläckar mina kläder. Så mitt prov gick ut på att kolla hur väl Vanish klarade att ta bort min hårfärg...
Jag förbehandlade tygtrasan med blöt läggning och pulver ganska omgående men som ni ser lyckades tyvärr inte vanish ta bort hårfärgen. Däremot fungerar det ypperligt på både ketchup, sylt och kaffe.
#vanishtestswe #buzzador
I know.. I´ve been.. a bit MIA.. yes, no real excuse.. but.. yeah.. sometimes life happens.. But.. here are some random pics from the past months..
for an amazing friend..
OUAS April 1st blog hop!
Welcome to Once Upon A..Sketch' s first birthday blog hop! It is so exciting to have you here and we hope you are inspired along the way to join in the fun and get creative!!You should have arrived here from Gerry Van Gents blog, but if you haven't you need to go back to the beginning of the list below so you don't miss out.
(please note that due to time differences there could be some broken links..please check back later as the blogs will be updated asap)
Our new MONTHLY challenge has just been released! Each Design Team member has created their own layout based on this sketch and journalling criteria and you need to follow the above list to see what they came up with.
We would love to see what you create, so please link your project to back at the Once Upon A...Sketch blog. You DO NOT have to participate in the blog hop to enter this challenge.
Here is this month's challenge....
April Challenge
The theme of this challenge is HOME.
We would like you to create a layout and interpret the theme "HOME" however you like based on the following sketch. You can journal as little or as much as you like, but your layout must incorporate this theme and this sketch.

And here is my example...

Home is where your heart is...
*Imaginarium designs , corner, words and butterfly
Our main sponsor of this blog hop is ....

Imaginarium Designs chipboard is donating this prize to one lucky winner of the blog hop.

This prize pack includes AUS$70.00 worth of chipboard PLUS inks PLUS Spray Mists PLUS free postage to anyone in the world.
***In order to be entered for the main prize,you must be or become a follower AND comment on ALL blogs along the way and finally back at the Once Upon A...Sketch blog to tell us that you have left a comment for everyone.
***There will also be some other prizes along the way which our Design Team have kindly donated. To win these, you need only comment on and follow the blog which is giving the prize. The randomly chosen winners for these prizes will be announced at that Design Team member's blog.
This is the prize I am giving away....
***heh, it´s a secret prize for now.. I will be adding a photo of my prize later on today**
(This is open to ANYONE that becomes or already IS a follower of my blog and leaves me a comment on this post. ..)
Since the Follow feature on my blog isn´t showing.. you DON`T have to follow my blog.. Leave a comment and follow all the others and you will still be eligable.. ok? =)
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The blog hop starts today , April 1st and finishes midnight (Australian Eastern Standard Time) 5th April with the MAIN PRIZE winner to be announced soon after the blog hop ends at the Once Upon A....Sketch blog and the other winners announced at the Design Team member blogs soon after the blog hop ends also.
Thank you for visiting and taking part in our blog hop!
We hope you found some inspiration along the way.
Once upon a sketch.. March 1st Challenge
Journalling Criteria/Theme:
All About Me!
The focus of your journalling and the theme of your layout has to be based on YOU and the one thing that you are really good at. Don't be shy! We are all good at something as small or as big as it might be.
Ideas for journalling: being a good mum, cooking, talking, understanding people, organising, cleaning, gardening, studying, computers, fashion, exercising, scrapbooking, good at my job, maths, languages, writing , drawing, painting, photography, running, ?
Remember that you are allowed to also create a card or altered project based on this sketch and theme and instead of the journalling criteria you need to use a quote.
So.. what did I choose to write about.. well.. it´s more of a wishful thinking I am good at.. I wrote about positive thinking. I want to be good at it. I strive to be an optimist, who sees the good in everything. I hope to be as much as I can. And so far, I am making quite a good job with it, when I have the energy for it.
And this is how my layout came out..
Happy scrapping!
jag? tjatig?
Näää.. som småbarnsförälder och lärare behöver man väl ALDRIG tjata? eller?
Having a 3yr old and being a teacher I never have to nag.. or? ;)
Ytterligare en av layouterna som gjordes på Papirfesten i Norge i september.. =) Det är bara jag som är dålig på att blogga.. ;)
Men efter en fruktansvärt kreativ helg så har jag ju en hel hög med layouter som borde få komma upp här och göra livet lite färgglatt..
För att citera Anna..
Mahlin, du pysslar godispåsar!
For the love of dance
Pink Paislee is having a blog hop week together with
Epiphany Crafts and today was my turn.
This is my debut on
Pink Paislees blog and I made a layout about love (For dance.. ) making some cute embellies wiht the Epiphany Crafts tools..
To read more about how I made the background please visit Pink Paislees blog.
I used my Epiphany craft tool to make some cute accessories on my layout. First, I used I this tool to make a cut out from the pink patterned paper to enhance the pattern.

I thought the paper rosettes needed some standing out so I took some gorgeous Pink Paislee pink paper, made a bubble cap and added it on top of the pattern to make it match.
I also wanted some circles to my design..adding both chipboard pops from Pink Paislee and matching it up with 14 bubble caps from Epiphany crafts. I then covered these in white mist.
Because I use smaller photos, I wanted to emphasize it by using a bubble cap on the same photo but in color and picking out the details of the feet.
Don´t forget to hop on over to the Pink Paislee blog and leave a comment for a chance to win!
is looking to be an exciting year!!!
I probably don´t have to tell you that I was jumping up and down, dancing and giggling when I read this list.. I checked it more than twice.. is that really my name.. yes it is.. and .. I couldn´t be more proud..
2012 is the year... ;)
Happy new years everyone.. =)
Just do it...
If I should sum up this post with one word, it would be the one depicted on todays layout.. Forward...
Life gives you challenges, hurdles and quest to overcome, fulfill and master... Life also surprise you with joy when you least expect. It is very much like they said in Forrest Gump, you never know what you gonna get.
Well, all the things that have been thrown at me the past months, all the decisions I´ve had to make they all sum up to me moving forward, for the sake of me.. I lost my way there for a while and that is one thing that very very rarely happens to me, so it was a bit of a struggle. Accepting the fact that I am not a superhero, that I have limits and that I have my priorities all wrong.
Now, I need to go with the flow. I open my arms for whatever life gives me next. I will, go with it. Just do it. I will let things happen. I will not fight it. I might be lost, I might be scared, but I will not fight it. I´m diving right in and I´m so excited to see where the flow will take me..
Heh.. det blev lite omvänt idag, jag skrev hela inlägget på engelska och nu översätta till svenska. Vet inte alls om jag ens vill skriva samma saker på svenska ens. Det finns i alla fall ett ord som sammanfattar det här inlägget och det är detsamma som titeln på layouten idag. Framåt. Livet kastar en massa saker mot oss. Utmaningar, hinder, uppdrag. Alla ska man klara av, bemästra och hantera. och sen ibland så överraskar livet med glädje. Oftast när man minst anar det.
Den här hösten har varit långt från lugn. Jag tappade fotfästet någonstans där i början. Det är så olikt mig. Jag står ju stadigare än stadigast. Här, båda fötterna, inget kan ju rubba mig.. Det var ovant att hantera, acceptera. Särskilt att acceptera att jag prioriterat fel, ganska länge. Acceptera att jag inte är någon slags superhjälte som kan allt (heh.. jag vägrar fortfarande tro att ja inte är det).
Den här hösten, alla beslut jag tvingats ta, det är det som leder framåt. Nu tänker jag flyta med. Saker må ske och jag flyter med. Jag tänker inte kämpa emot det livet ger, även om jag är rädd och förvirrad, så tänker jag inte kämpa emot. För min skull, flyter jag med och jag tänker banne mig njuta fullt ut av den resan. Jag väljer mig! Så, här är jag, jag kastar mig rakt ner i livets flod o så får jag se var den tar mig helt enkelt....
Layouten idag gjorde jag på Papirfesten, i Norge när jag var där tidigare i år. Jag har bara inte kommit mig för att visa den ännu =) Framåt!
This was made during the awesome scrapgathering Papirfesten in Norway earlier this fall. I just haven´t gotten around to showing it yet =) well.. forward!
heh, självklart är det på layouterna som alla gamla skruvar, brickor o öljetter ska hamna ;) Det är väl det verkstadsrensningar är till för?
maybe next time..
I bet most of you know I have a huge crush on Hamblys products.. ;) so of course I threw my hat in the ring when they had a call.. But.. it was not my year this time around either.. life goes on.. =)
So now I can go ahead and show the unseen layout for their call... I rarely work on a clear background but this was fun.. The trouble is to take a good photo of it ;)
and.. don´t miss out on the new Once up on a ...sketch challenge..
easy breezy beautiful cover girl
heh.. no.. haven´t been watching toooo much Top model.. (even if this All stars season is a FAV)..
I just wanna shout out that.. I´m actually a real covergirl... not only my layout.. it´s a photo of me .. hah.. that would make me a double up covergirl? =) This would be a one and only =) ...
I know the mag has been sent and UK-girls are recieveing .. I still have to wait some more for mine! I am so excited for this first issue.. and.. if you´re scandinavian and want to get your hands on a copy? Check out
Mollys scrapbooking!
Still unpacking boxes.. I´ll return to blogging as soon as .. life is sorted..
Ok .. so I haven´t fallen of the face of earth.. I´ve just been moving.. again.. =o
I am so happy to announce that the November 1st challenge is up over at
Once upon a sketch.. this is my first reveal.. wohoo =)
This is my take on the sketch ,
journaling critera:
This time you need to journal at least 2 SENTENCES on WHEN you started scrapping and WHY?
To see the sketch and read more about the faboulus prizes and how to enter... Jump on over to
Onceuponasketch blog
and speaking of jumping.. have you seen that
Bo Bunny has teamed up with
Scor Pal for a blog hop? Hop on over!
Double up with videos
So today I had videos going up both for Manor House Creations and for Shimmerz Paints...
stamping away
This was supposed to be posted sunday, while I was in Norway.. but, it didn´t...
I was asked to be a guest over att
Challenge me happy.. Woho.. I love a good challenge so of course I said yes..
The challenge is to use stamps on your creations..
This is what I made..

I just threw some metal no there ;)

Polaroid and numberstamps from Studio Calico, the brick wall from Prima.

Manor House flower with some Shimmerz paints mist =D

Gesso and Shimmerz mist..
So.. I hope you take on the sketch aswell...
I hope to get back to you with an update from norway, even if I didn´t have my camera with me and got NO photos take (bad, I know...) I can tell you as much as I had SO much fun...
to the new 365 magazine blog hop!
Woho... Finally I can share this awesome news.. It´s been a bit quiet here for a while and now you know why.. I´ve been keeping secrets and scrapping my heart out =) I am so proud to be working along side all these talented girls you´ll be visiting today.. and a brand new fun magazine.. isn´t it just so cool? =)

Well, this is a blog hop and a blog hop needs a PRIZE... If you leave a comment on ALL the DT's blogs AND the scrap365 blog you can win a prize of a years subscription to Craft Stamper magazine PLUS stamps worth over £20!
If you followed the blog hop you came here from Laura... if you didn´t and you want in on the whole blog hop thing you can find the complete list of participants in the blog hop at the scrap365blog.
Hop from my blog - to the very talented Michelle Jackson-Mogford. Visit her at
So.. let me tell you a little about myself..

Mahlin, this is me, the swedish girl who, by day is an ordinary 30 yr.
old mother to Vilmer 3 yrs, working as a special eds teacher for kids
with Asperger and Autism... but then.. at night.. I turn into that
scrappy girl, who plays with color until floors, walls and Ceiling all
have some splashes of color. Happy colors. I work with playfulness, I
love colors, and texture. I will follow the creativeprocess where it
takes me. No right or wrong. I let my feeling do the talking when
creating and I always choose my photo last.
I design for some very inspiring manufacturers like Bo Bunny, Shimmerz Paints, Nikki Sivils and Manor house Creations and a superfun UK kit club.. Scraprat
and I got a brand new layout to show you..made earlier today!! =)

Thanks for stopping by.. and leave a comment for your chance to win!
flowers flowers flowers!!
and some more flowers..
First of I must tell you how proud and excited I am to have been chosen to create for
Manorhouse creations.. SO SO SO excited!! =)
and yesterday was a blast.. I went to uddevalla bright and early in the morning to end up on Ingvild Bolmes workshop hosted by Countryscrap...
and then I made 1,5 layouts.. didn´t really have enough time to complete the second layout..
Here is the first one...
and as you can see I couldn´t help myself so I had to put my own twist on it with more mist and gesso =)
the "half" layout..
och.. är ni lite sugna på mistkurs så går sista (?) omgången av min kurs Misterious hos
Mollys den 18 september..
Alla kurskit är slutsålda men du kan anmäla dig till kursen och använda ditt eget material om du vill!!
Puss o kram allihopa!