maybe next time..
I bet most of you know I have a huge crush on Hamblys products.. ;) so of course I threw my hat in the ring when they had a call.. But.. it was not my year this time around either.. life goes on.. =)
So now I can go ahead and show the unseen layout for their call... I rarely work on a clear background but this was fun.. The trouble is to take a good photo of it ;)

and.. don´t miss out on the new Once up on a ...sketch challenge.. HERE
easy breezy beautiful cover girl
heh.. no.. haven´t been watching toooo much Top model.. (even if this All stars season is a FAV)..
I just wanna shout out that.. I´m actually a real covergirl... not only my layout.. it´s a photo of me .. hah.. that would make me a double up covergirl? =) This would be a one and only =) ...
I know the mag has been sent and UK-girls are recieveing .. I still have to wait some more for mine! I am so excited for this first issue.. and.. if you´re scandinavian and want to get your hands on a copy? Check out Mollys scrapbooking!
As seen on The scrap365 blog

Still unpacking boxes.. I´ll return to blogging as soon as .. life is sorted..
Ok .. so I haven´t fallen of the face of earth.. I´ve just been moving.. again.. =o

I am so happy to announce that the November 1st challenge is up over at Once upon a sketch.. this is my first reveal.. wohoo =)
This is my take on the sketch ,
journaling critera:
This time you need to journal at least 2 SENTENCES on WHEN you started scrapping and WHY?

To see the sketch and read more about the faboulus prizes and how to enter... Jump on over to Onceuponasketch blog